Sunday, March 31, 2013

I just feel like if I don't write this, my heart will explode.  I am so full of love and thankfulness and joy tonight.  The road to Hope was so long and there were times I felt my heart would break into a million pieces, but somehow we made it and just listening to a house full of giggles and laughter makes my heart so full that I can hardly contain the joy!  I can't believe she ... both of them ... are here.  It was 16 years ago this month that we were told I would never be able to have a child.  And here we are, the parents of not one, but four children.  My precious daughter, Abigail, and my sweet tiny baby, Zach, will always be in my heart, but the joy of the two that are in my arms is uncontainable. I am just so, so thankful today and wanted to share the joy in my heart!

Lord, for all you have done for me, I just wanted to thank you ...