Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Yes, we are still here! We were hoping to travel to Russia (and Wyoming) by now, but obviously God's timing is not our own. We just received notice last week that another family has been chosen to travel at the end of December, which means our plans are on hold again. We will definitely be next to receive an invitation (we were one of only two families still waiting in our region); however, based on the current timeline, it will now likely be March or April before we are invited on our first trip to meet Hope. On the bright side, this actually gives us more time to get ready, financially and administratively. We still need to complete our immunizations, update our CIS filing and other documents that are about to expire and work on some additional grant applications, so we would have been scrambling to get everything done over the holidays. We are reminded that God's timing is perfect, and so we wait ...

We would like to take this time to thank everyone who has supported our journey this year. Our Usborne Book sales raised over $1,000 for Hope and we are waiting to hear from two grant applications to be processed. One was denied last month due to more applications than funds available and two more are up for review in January (please pray we are approved). We held two garage sales, one in the spring and one in the fall, which together raised over $1,200. Our online coffee store generated almost $500. And we have had many friends and family generously give "just because!" God has certainly blessed our journey and we are excited to see what 2011 brings!

For those of you who expected us to be in Wyoming by now, we thought we'd give you a little update. We traveled to Cheyenne at the end of January after successfully jumping through all of the hoops required for our move. We were certain that things were moving along only to find out at the end of February that we had not gotten the job that would have made it possible to go at this time. Then we received notice from our adoption agency that we had been assigned to a region and would travel in 2-4 months. We decided to update our Home Study in Ohio to avoid complications that could prevent our travel and interrupt the process. While we were busy doing that, controversy arose surrounding Russian adoptions when a Tennessee woman put her 7 year old adopted son on a plane back to Moscow in April, accompanied only by a note that said she no longer wanted him. While many regions allowed adoptions to continue, our region came to a full stop while a bilateral agreement was discussed between the US and Russia. Several meetings have taken place between our two countries since then (including one that had to be postponed due to the volcano in Iceland) and an agreement is expected to be signed early next year. Just in time as the Russian Duma has been arguing about whether or not to ban international adoptions altogether until an agreement is signed. We have definitely had our share of obstacles this year, but things are finally moving again!

The "good" news during all of this is that several families assigned to our region dropped out of the adoption process, bumping us up on the list to one of three remaining families in August. The first of the three remaining families was invited to travel on their first trip at the end of August. We had the privilege of meeting this family (who live in Mason, Ohio) and learning all about their travel experiences over lunch in October. What we learned only makes us all the more determined to complete this long process and bring Hope home. Please pray that she has what she needs not just to survive, but to thrive while she waits for us!

Long story short, since the incident in April, our agency has been urging all families to keep their documents up-to-date and not to make any significant life changes, we have postponed pursuing our plans to relocate until later. How much later? We don't know. We only know that we are on God's timeline. As it says in Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD directs his steps."

May the LORD direct your steps in 2011 and bless your family this Christmas as we once again celebrate His birth.

Chad, Emily & Benjamin
Remembering ^Abby^ and waiting for Hope!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bilateral Agreement - Update!

Delegations from the United States and Russia met December 1-3, 2010 in Washington, D.C. for the fifth round of talks on a bilateral agreement regarding intercountry adoptions. The talks were fruitful, and further progress was made. Several key issues remain under discussion; however, both sides remain committed to reaching an agreement. A decision on scheduling future talks will be taken once both sides complete respective interagency reviews of the draft text.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Usborne, Coffee & The Journey to Hope

We have raised almost $1,000 for the Journey to Hope through Usborne Book sales since our first show in October. Thanks to each of you who hosted a show for us and/or purchased books! I am doing one last show to help us reach our goal this year. Usborne Books make great Christmas gifts and there is something for every child in your life, from babies to teens (children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors). I will be taking catalog orders and online orders through Monday, December 13th, to be sure books arrive in time for Christmas. Please visit our online store at the link below or ask to see a catalog and place your order before the 13th!

For those of you who do not have a need for Usborne Books but would like to find a way to support our journey this Christmas, we also have an online coffee store selling Fair Trade coffees in just about any blend you can imagine. Fair Trade Coffees also make great Christmas gifts! For every bag of coffee purchased from Just Love Coffee Roasters through our storefront, we receive $5 for the Journey to Hope (and you support an awesome organization that helps many other families and an orphanage in Ethiopia!). The link to our online coffee store is also below.

Thank you for considering Usborne Books and Just Love Coffee as Christmas gifts this year and for your help and support in bringing Hope home from Russia!

Chad & Emily

Click here to visit our online stores:

Usborne Books & More

Just Love Coffee Roasters