Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

2009 has been big year for our family! We began exploring adoption in November of 2008 and made the decision final in February. We are adopting a little girl from Russia! After the careful selection of an agency and completing the approval process, the paper chase officially began in April and we submitted our completed 81 page dossier to our agency in July. “Hope” will be between the ages of 8 months and 2 years old when we receive our “referral” and meet her for the first time. We are very excited, but it is a long wait. It has been a little over 5 months so far and it will be another 7-13 months until we finally see a photograph of her beautiful face and make our first trip to Russia! Then it will be another 3-5 months until we go back and bring her home for good. Thank you to everyone who has supported us through prayer, finances and encouragement over the last year. We are truly grateful for your support and prayers as we wait. You can follow our journey here on our online adoption blog.

So far, we have spent nearly $8,000, about half of which was funded by the generosity of friends and relatives who have supported us financially through the Journey to Hope fund and/or purchased coffee through our online adoption coffee store – thank you! And, so far, we have done it entirely debt-free, praise the Lord! If you would like to purchase coffee to help support our adoption, you can visit the store at:

You can join the monthly coffee club or make a one-time purchase. Every bag of coffee purchased through our store supports our adoption as well as provides help to an orphanage in Ethiopia. We also had a garage sale fundraiser in the spring that raised enough money to cover the entire cost of our home study and we received a $3,000 grant from the Steven Curtis Chapman foundation, Show Hope, this summer! Funds from Show Hope will become available to us when we incur our next set of expenses, which will be when we receive our referral and travel to Russia in the next 7-13 months. It’s easy to see that God has supported our decision to adopt, but our greatest expenses are yet to come. Please consider a year-end gift for the Journey to Hope and help us bring Hope home from Russia!

Benjamin is very excited that he will finally get to play an active role as a big brother – he has been one for over three years now! He has already started collecting toys and books to give to Hope when she comes home. He has placed several items in her room that he wants to pass down to her and he already speaks of her in a tender, loving, brotherly way. It’s so sweet! He is a very active, happy kindergartener and enjoys playing dress ups, knights, cars, robots, Pet Shops, Webkinz, riding his bike and scooter and spending time with his friends and family. He has been schooling at home via the Ohio Virtual Academy since October and has excelled in his class. He is now reading and writing and is learning new things every day. It has been neat to be so active in his learning and I have enjoyed being his “learning coach” this year, even though it means less “freedom” in my schedule. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Chad is in his 7th year with Teen Challenge, Cincinnati, where he works full-time as Program Supervisor, heading up the programs and staff of the men’s home. We have also begun the process of applying to launch a Teen Challenge in Cheyenne, Wyoming! Chad flew out west in early October and met with community leaders there to explore the area, pray and determine if this is where God is leading our family and the ball has been rolling ever since. He attended the necessary training in the fall and quickly began making connections and jumping through all the required hoops on the local, regional and national levels. He just submitted his final proposal, resume and reference letters to the national office this week, so now we wait!

Waiting seems to be a theme for us! We have not always been patient through the wait, but we know that God is walking with us and savoring every moment we share as we wait, hope and dream with Him through the peaks and valleys. I like the way Beth Moore puts it best …

“God takes his own sweet time because sweet time is God’s to take. Why wait if there’s no one to wait with you? God created time for man. A wait is time-oriented and, therefore, primarily man-oriented. Perhaps among a host of other reasons, I think God often ordains a wait because He purely enjoys the togetherness of it.”

It’s true. We cling to God during the wait like no other time. He is our hope and comfort. He is our refuge. He is with us while we wait! As we remember the birth of the long awaited Savior of the world this Christmas, we pray that you would have Hope in your hearts and feel the presence of God. Emmanuel, God with us, even and especially in the wait.

Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year!
Chad, Emily and Benjamin

~Remembering Abby and waiting for Hope!~

Friday, December 11, 2009

Five Months

Well, we are now 5 months into our wait. Only 7-13 months to go until we get our referral. That is when we will finally see our daughter's face in a photograph for the first time and receive an invitation to travel to Russia and meet her in person! I found this wonderful article about waiting and wanted to share it.

Wow, did it make me feel good to know that the emotional rollercoaster we are on is normal! Mix that with Abby's 3rd birthday, which was just a couple of weeks ago and the other important dates (today would have been her real birthday if she had waited two more weeks for my scheduled c-section instead of coming early). Next Friday was her original due date. It brings so many feelings to the surface.

So we are in limbo between Abby and Hope ... and the waiting feels long. We still miss Abby, but we are longing for the day when we get to finally see and bring Hope home from Russia. Benjamin is ready to finally get to live out his role as big brother. And we are ready for two little ones to fill our days!

Thanks for your ongoing love, prayers and support while we wait for Hope! And a very Merry Christmas to everyone who has follwed us on our journey!!