Friday, June 19, 2009

For Grandma (a.k.a. "G.G.")

Dear Grandma,

Since you don't have computer access, we wanted to provide you with a way to read our blog and hear all about this journey of adoption we have been on. We've printed all the pages in sequence, so it reads like a book, with the most current entey last and the oldest entry first. I hope it will help you feel more connected to this process and to your next great grandchild. We love you and are so glad you are here with us as we continue on the journey to HOPE ...

Chad, Emily & Benjamin

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting Closer

It's been awhile since our last update and we've been busy working on completing the requirements to finish our home study. We are excited to share that we submitted the final home study requirements last night and should receive a draft of the social worker's report this weekend! Hooray! Tomorrow morning, we are going to apply for our passports, which will take 4-6 weeks to process. Please pray this does not delay our goal to submit our dossier by the end of June!! We did not anticipate such a long wait just for passports or we would have done it sooner. With so much to do, sometimes it's hard to know what to do first!

After the home study is finalized, we will complete and notarize a few remaining forms that must be dated after the home study and the paper chase will be complete! But, we will have to wait for our passports to arrive before we will be able to submit everything. The signature page must be printed and notarized first. Once we have all required documentation in our hands, we will then need to take everything to the the county clerk to certify each notary's official capicity and then to the state to be apostilled. THEN we will finally be ready to submit our dossier for translation and submission to the Russian Federation and the wait begins! We are getting excited!! :)

The wait for Russia is approximately 9-14 months. A portion of our agency fee will be due with our dossier, but the big expenses are yet to come. While we are waiting, we will be applying for various adoption grants and loans and raising support to help offset the larger portion of our expenses. The largest amount will be due at referral, which is when we receive a photograph, medical history and background information on a child to be reviewed by us and by the international adoption experts at Children's Hospital. Upon acceptance of the referral, we will have to travel to Russia for trip #1 to meet her in person and make our acceptance official. Additional agency fees, travel expenses, international fees, in-country transportation, interpreter/representative expenses, and fees resulting from Russia accreditation requirements for FTIA (our agency) will all be due before we travel. We really need some grant money to help with these costs! Please pray for favor as we apply for grants and loans and that God will continue to provide for us, as He has already, as we continue on this journey.

We are so excited to be so close to getting on the waiting list! Thank you for all of your continued prayers, encouragement and excitement as well as those of you who have supported us financially through this process! We are so blessed to have you on this journey with us!!