Monday, November 21, 2011

"I Met My Granddaughter Today"

Written by Galina's Nana Sherry ...

There she was getting out of the van with her Mother, Father, and her brother Ben. They were a Family! She was real! Here was the granddaughter we prayed for and wanted for  so long...she was standing right in front of us. I saw the joy come over my husband's face as if to say...This is the day that the Lord has made! We had prayed for this day to come and now here she was sitting with her Mother, across the table from us in a restaurant in Cincinnati Ohio; across the ocean from her birthplace in Russia. Praise be to God!! The wait was over, the promise fulfilled!!  Emily and Chad's long awaited little girl was here, in the safety of their care and loving arms. Their precious Ben's little sister!!!

I never knew one fair haired  little girl could touch my heart like my own daughter had at the same age, until I met Gallia Hope. They are so much alike, in so many ways. The shy little smile and frown all in one. The sweet little golden ponytails bouncing as she moves. Gentle, obedient, and very particular to keep her things neat and close to her. Unusual for such a little girl, wanting to do things all by herself! Traits I've seen in that age. So dear!! Watching her clutch her mother's hand and wanting only her...ah, I remember !!

I prayed for my daughter to have these moments with her own little girl... fixing her hair, playing dress ups and dolls...revisiting all things girl...ruffles, sparkles, and lace...all things peaches and cream! All I could think of was how God's promises are true...and beyond our imagination...and how wonderful she Emily's little girl...Galina Hope!

Loving Thoughts From...Nana Sherry

"We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.
But those who make their journey home across time & miles,
growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,
are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us
by God's very own hands".
--- Kristi Larson

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Mama for Galina: Celebrating Adoptions

This was posted today on our friend, Eileen's blog ...

A little blond left her place in line, skipped over to me and announced, I have a mama. With that, she rejoined the other children.

I had just arrived at the orphanage, home to 100-some abandoned little ones and was chatting with a caretaker of the oldest group. The children were lined up, waiting to go outside when the little cutie, probably not even 3, broke out of line to tell me her happy news. This was Galina, I soon learned, the little girl who was being adopted by a lovely family from southwestern Ohio.

It's every orphan's wish, you know, to have her own mama. And now Galina was going to have a mother and lots more ~ a daddy and an older brother too. Galina's adoptive mother, Emily, had tracked me down weeks earlier, connecting before she and her husband would come to meet Galina. As per Russian adoption procedures, foreign adoptive parents make two visits. On the first visit, they meet the child; on the second, they complete legal and medical requirements and then take the child home. So then in early September when Emily and husband Chad made their first visit to Russia, we were able to connect in person.

Come mid-October, I was in the US and en route from Akron to Nashville, would be passing near the area where Chad and Emily live, so they invited me over for lunch. The family would be leaving days later for their second trip to Russia. And big brother Benjamin, above, would be traveling with them!

Lucky me, by the time I returned to Russia in early November, Chad and Emily were still in town, wrapping up their three weeks in country. Here we are near their hotel heading out for pizza. In the photo, from left is Linda, Galina's bubbly new grandmother, my Russian friend, Roma, Galina with her parents, Emily and Chad, and her older brother Benjamin, plus Yours Truly.

How fun to celebrate together that Galina was part of this family. Benjamin had waited five years for a sister! Chad and Emily told me about Abigail, a beautiful little girl they lost at birth in 2006. So now every one is happy. And so grateful. And, at long last, Galina has a mama of her very own.

Adoptive parents are heroic! Over the years, dozens have come through town and they're so impressive with their resourcefulness and high energy. They also can use financial help. Last I checked, parents who adopt from Russia spend something like $35,000+ to get their child. And then they've got to feed and cloth the little character. If you long to be a part of an adoption, why not consider adopting an adoptive family? Just ask them how you could be of help ~ and consider writing out a check.

Pure and undefiled religion is this:
To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

(James 1:27)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Welcome Home "Hope"

Thank you to everyone who made this day possible! We are so blessed!

Chad & Emily

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coming Home at Last!

We went to the U.S. Embassy this morning and "Hope" had her Visa approved, so we are all clear to make the long journey home. We leave tomorrow! Can't believe this time in Russia is coming to an end. So many wonderful moments, people and memories! Can't wait to share them all. Next post will be written in the good 'ole U.S. of A. Pics to follow! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hello Moscow, long time no see!

We made it back to Moscow and now we are sitting in our hotel resting as our new little girl takes her nap. It has been a long day and Nana Linda's day has just barely started as she makes the long journey over the Atlantic Ocean ahead of us!

As for us, we still have work to do! Tomorrow, "Hope" has a doctor's appointment early in the morning and a rep from our agency is coming to help us complete the paperwork for her Visa application and prepare us for our interview with the U.S. Embassy. Once her Visa is issued, we can finally come home!

It has been a long, wonderful (almost) 3 weeks here in Russia! I can't wait to share all of the amazing ways God blessed us on this trip. For now, we are happy to have landed in this comfortable place where we can rest and feel a little more at home. I promise to post pictures soon!

Until then, Dosvadanya!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's Official!

So very sorry for the lack of updates on our blog since we traveled back to Russia to bring Hope home. We have literally been kept so busy that the only thing we do in our "free" time is eat, sleep, return messages and work on documents. We are so thankful for Nana Linda who traveled with us and has been acting Nanny to Benjamin on this trip. We could not have done this without her!

Now, to our news! As of today, it is official: we are legally "Hope's" parents!! The paperwork was finalized earlier today and Thursday will be our "gotcha" day when she finally gets to leave the orphanage with us. Everything is dated 11/1/11 ♥ New beginnings ... praise the Lord!!!

There is still much for us to accomplish before and after we pick her up. We have to finish documents for our appointment at the U.S. Embassy, pick up her passport, complete her exit paperwork from the orphanage, etc. We will do our best to post a more detailed update here before we travel home if we can. We just wanted to take a quick moment to share the wonderful news with all of you that "Hope" is ours at last!! :)